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…as aunt pursues custodyThirty-two year old Alicia Prescott of Lot 111 Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara is claiming that she is facing grave difficulties in executing her right as a mother for her one-and-a-half year old son, “aul”.She now says that she hopes that she would be allowed the opportunity to prove that Paul is indeed her son.Alicia told this newspaper that she was pregnant when her maternal aunt took her to French Guiana to spend a vacation. She went to the country “back-track” and within a few months her baby boy was born, earlier than the date the doctors in Guyana had given her.When she was about to deliver her baby her aunt told her that she would be in a lot of trouble and could be arrested for illegal entry. The aunt said that to resolve the issue she, the aunt, would let Alicia use her documents at the hospital and other places so that she “would not get into trouble”.According to Alicia, her aunt never took her to her home but to stay at a friend whom she identified as one Sunita in French Guiana, during her pregnancy and after the delivery of the baby.Alicia said that on one occasion her aunt asked her to give her the baby boy after his birth but she said that she refused.She told this publication that one day while she was asleep at Sunita’s residence, the aunt collected her baby. She said that as she awoke and missed her son she asked about his whereabouts only to learn that her aunt had taken him. She said she asked her aunt to return the baby and got a promise.However, as fate would have it,World Soccer Shop, Alicia’s niece in Guyana was burnt badly with hot oil and the family asked her to return so that she could assist. The family said that they needed both financial and physical help with medical treatment for the little girl.It was less than nine days after the baby’s birth that Alicia was forced to return home, leaving her son Paul. She claimed that he was too young to travel.She said that the aunt promised to bring Paul to Guyana when she returned since she would travel to and from French Guiana because she would “bring things to sell”It was reported that when the aunt returned to Guyana with Paul, she refused to give Alicia her son and eventually the matter ended up at the Brickdam Police Station.One relative stated “Like she pay the police because when Alicia say she want to do a DNA test, (the aunt) didn’t want to do it and somehow the baby end up back with she”.Alicia stated that she visited the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security but was told that they “cannot do anything because the child wasn’t born here”.She also visited the French Embassy and Foreign Affairs Ministry. All three entities told her that she needed to have a DNA test conducted.She said “They tell me to go over back to Cayenne and get my rights”.Kaieteur News was told that the aunt receives 600 Euros monthly from the French Government to take care of the baby since he is a citizen of that country.Alicia explained that her aunt is in her late forties and cannot have children. She accused the aunt of fooling a man by telling him that the baby was theirs. The man then married her thinking the child was his.Recently Alicia managed to escape to Guyana with her child but that is only the continuation of her problems, she said that her aunt Tara and her husband have been constantly threatening her family and relatives, including Alicia herself, saying things such as “If we don’t get the boy we will shoot you and him” and also “We will pass money to get the child”.She has gone into hiding.The distraught mother said that she did not have money to have a DNA test conducted earlier but that she is going to have one done to prove that the little boy is her son and she can finally “come out of hiding”.Her sisters-in-law Lomalita Sumner and Shaneeza Sumner said that five police ranks arrived at their home in Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara on New Year’s Day around 13:15 hrs (01:15 pm) stating that they were looking for Alicia Prescott.The lawmen were reportedly told that the object of their search did not live at that address any longer and that they should produce a warrant if they wished to enter and search the premises.The police ranks, the women claim, explained that they did not have a warrant and then stated that they were going to search the two-storey house for “guns, ammunition and narcotics” after which they “barged into the house”.Alicia’s sister, Lolita Sumner said that the police were cursing and “carrying on at a rate”. She told this newspaper that “the police come in my house and break my wardrobe mirror andbreak the door upstairs and also the glass at the window”.The two-flat building had little children on both floors and they witnessed the entire ordeal.Shaneeza claims that she had her baby boy in her hands and one of the policemen even hit her -punching her in her breast – as they began tumbling through her house. She claims that she had some jewellery locked away in her wardrobe and after the police left she could not locate her jewellery among her scattered clothes.Kaieteur News was also told that the police “beat up” Shaneeza’s husband and took away one Blackberry Torch cellular phone and a television phone which he had taken out to video the police assaulting his wife.The family explained that there were five ranks who were present and conducted “the search”. They claim that the lawmen – two in civilian clothing, two with bullet proof vests and an officer, whom they identified as a Sergeant (name given), had come from the Cove and John Police Station.Kaieteur News contacted the Commander of “C” Division, Gavin Primo, to elicit a comment on the matter, but the Commander explained that he was not aware of the situation and that as soon as he is briefed about the matter he would comment.
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