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Air Max 2019 Offerta krb4tffj

Air Max 2019 Offerta krb4tffj

By Leonard GildarieTwo weeks ago, we spoke of the need to build properly. A Guyanese working in the islands expressed alarm at the way we are laying blocks and attaching them to the columns or posts. Totally wrong, he says, as there is no way that freshly-mixed concrete can be bonded with old concrete.Well, more contractors are coming out and it seems that indeed, we have been doing things wrong.Maurice Barnes and Orwain Collier are two Guyanese who have been working in Antigua for years. They have built several homes. They returned last year after Government visited that Caribbean island, inviting Guyanese to return home.They were highly interested in the way we build and after seeing the column decided to visit us.According to Barnes, several things are being done that are wrong.“Like for example…I see contractor using nails. Nails are corrosive and will leak. I would urge that we use screws on the galvanized sheets. It has a washer and rubber and will not leak.”But that is small potatoes compared to other things that the two have found. Antigua has strict building codes and the authorities in place to monitor it. When someone takes a mortgage, the bank will demand an independent engineer oversee the construction, from foundation to wiring to everything else. The two main reasons are ensure the bank is not exposed and that quality work is done, with safety in mind.According to Barnes, homes are built to not only withstand hurricane winds of over 100 miles per hour, but should there be a fire, it will only be contained to a section of the building. That is because the walls are built to withstand heat and not crumble.“What we found in Guyana is that there seems to be cases where both the homeowners and the contractor are cutting corners starting from the actual foundation. Let me say, you don’t ever cut corners on the foundation.”The two contractors are referring to actual block-laying and how it is tied to the columns.“Yes, it is true that you never pour your columns first and then lay your blocks. Like we said before, it will never be strong, as there will be no way to attach those columns to the blocks. It just can’t happen.”Like we mentioned in that previous column two weeks ago, the blocks have to be laid first and then attached via steel to the columns. The columns, only after the blocks would have been laid and attached, are then poured with concrete.“What we have also found is that most contractors don’t pay attention to the drawings. In Antigua, drawings are done for everything. Floors, wiring, roof…it is all detailed. Here you have three drawings showing different elevations.”In Antigua, one is automatically granted water connection and electricity too, once the plans have been approved.“In other words, if you have your own monies, you can start building right away. In Guyana, you to run to Public Works, GP, and GWI,” Collier pointed out.Perhaps one of the biggest problems is the fact that apart from the foundation, there seems to be wrong construction going on.“To strengthen the walls, in Antigua you are told to put steel bars from the foundation through the blocks to the roof’s perimeter beam. The blocks are then filled with concrete. This allows the steel to be tied to the ceiling and the blocks to be tied in too. No passing trucks or shift in the foundation can cause those cracks that we see on almost all the buildings we see.”The steel bars are placed either 24 inches or 32 inches apart through the blocks.Now, I know that most folks would be wondering what those extra work would cost. I asked about this.“Let us put it this way. The climate is changing. We see higher winds. Things will happen that never did before. In addition to that,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, you don’t want to see cracks in your new home a few weeks after moving in. We have to do it correctly. You just can’t cut corners on the foundation.”As regards the roof, there may be a few things wrong.“Most contractors would stitch nail the rafters to the plates which are attached by bolts to the perimeter beam. In Antigua, we have hurricane clips which are much, much stronger. No wind can take the roof off that easily.”Enjoy the weekend and don’t forget as usual to drop your comments to [email protected] or call 2258491.
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