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NFL Jerseys Outlet qlbjnqz5

NFL Jerseys Outlet qlbjnqz5

A 23-year-old Dominican is now in police custody after he dealt his Guyanese paramour some blows on the public road at Duff’s Bottom, Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Tuesday afternoon.BVI Platinum News reported that around 17:30 hrs, the woman who was beaten until she became unconscious was driving vehicle PV 11953 when a heated argument ensued between her and the man who was the front seat passenger in the vehicle.The man reportedly threw the lady from behind the wheel, then proceeded to get in the driver’s seat, not realising the vehicle was in reverse. He subsequently reversed, crashing into a vehicle behind him.Police sources told the BVI Platinum that they responded to a call stating that a man was beating a lady along the road in Duff’s Bottom.Eyewitnesses told the BVI news agency that after the vehicular crash, the woman immediately got out of the vehicle but was pursued by the man.He then pounced on her and began to deal her blows about her body and face until she became unconscious for a few seconds.As the commotion was taking place vehicles were passing by as usual.Several persons stopped and tried to stop the man but failed; the assailant continued hitting the woman.When the police arrived on the scene, the man paid no heed and continued to punch the woman and had to be subdued.The woman was taken to the Peebles Hospital by ambulance while the man was arrested and taken into police custody.The man is likely to be charged with assault. He will appear in court this week.
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