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Warning people traveling to Spain! After

Warning people traveling to Spain! After

Warning peoplexo wallettraveling to Spain! After the victim was found, "Black Rin" pointed to bite like a saw - severe to the point of blindness
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Warning people traveling to Spain! – The Sun reports British anxiety After warning tourists on vacation to Spain that they may encounter "black flies" that can bite through the skin. The helminths borne by black gnats can also cause swelling of the muscles, eyes, or even blindness.

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The Association of Environmental Health Companies has warned Britons who are planning or planning a trip to Spain. After the victims were found to have been bitten by a black gnat, there were many injuries.

especially in Andalusia in the south, Aragon in the northeast Autonomous Region of Catalonia (Cataluna), Murcia region south east and Valencia region

The association's president, Jorge Galvan, said: "Black gnats bite much more severely than other insects. The problem is they don't sting. but milling in a pattern similar to using a saw This results in large wounds and can lead to shocking infections.”

“Like an allergic reaction, which in some cases is so severe that it requires hospitalization. A black gnat's bite causes a tear in the skin. They start by spreading a numbing substance into their skin that allows them to bite without the prey being aware.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 270,000 people worldwide have been bitten by black gnats to the point of blindness. “Their saliva is what causes an allergic reaction and intense pain in the bite site. Then the wound becomes several centimeters deep. Often there will be bleeding. with swelling that can persist for months,” Mr. Galvan reiterated.
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