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Why does eating "full" make you "sleepy"?

Why does eating "full" make you "sleepy"?

Tight stomachSLOTXOskin... slack eyelids. Every time I finish eating, I'm sleepy. Especially if you're at the office to eat lunch. This will go to sleep. Congratulations. You didn't feel it yourself. This symptom is called food coma.

What is Food Coma?
Food Coma (Food Coma) or Postprandial somnolence is a medical term used to refer to drowsiness after eating

Why was Food Coma born?
food coma Occurs from the body getting a lot of carbohydrates into the body. When it enters the body, it stimulates the brain to use more energy for digestion. When the brain uses a lot of energy The body will reduce energy consumption in other parts. It makes us feel weak, lethargic, lethargic, lethargic.

There are also other factors involved such as

The amino acid tryptophan comes from food. This amino acid helps reduce stress, causing drowsiness.
inadequate rest
Overeating can release serotonin and melatonin, or substances related to sleepiness and sleep.
Working hard in the morning

How to prevent Food Coma?
It is recommended to avoid starchy foods and sweets to reduce the burden on digestion. will make you less sleepy chew food thoroughly Get enough rest each night.

Knowing this, it's not surprising. Every day when I eat sticky rice with chicken or bubble tea, I always fall asleep. However, try to avoid it so you don't get sleepy in the afternoon. Or going out for a walk can help.
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