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Five Ways to Improve Your Study Habits Five Ways to Improve Your Study Habits June 6 Cheap Jerseys China Wholesale , 2012 | Author: Hilary Sloin | Posted in Education
Sometimes it’s difficult to hunker down and get your studying done. There are a few tricks that will help you set aside time and focus, allowing you to retain more of what you read and concentrate harder so that your writing will flow more easily.

Ideally, you should study during the time of day when you are at your most alert and energetic. Some people work best in the morning; some, in the evening or afternoon. Learn your own rhythm. Do you find you enjoy reading most at night? Perhaps nighttime is when you are best able to retain literature. Or, maybe you are someone who can write well and prolifically in the morning but has nary an idea in the afternoon. Schedule your studying when you are at your most productive.

Two hours is a reasonable amount of time to set aside. Turn off the television; shut off your cell. No radio in the background. And if friends drop by, politely send them away. You’ve made a commitment that this is your studying time. Plan to keep this block of time for studying as often as possible so your brain will get in the habit of working during these hours. We are quite trainable and can be taught to think harder during specific times of day.

Make a hot beverage. There is something about a hot drink that goes with reading or writing; perhaps it’s because you must drink it slowly, so it helps you sit still for a period of time. Avoid alcohol; you want something that is going to sharpen your mind, not slow it down. Some people find that a good strong cup of coffee makes them feel sharper and smarter; if that’s not you, try something else to bring when you sit down to study: cocoa or tea or Cheap Jerseys Online , if nothing hot appeals to you, a glass of water or soda.

Work under bright, preferably task lighting. Find a comfortable chair for reading, and sit at a desk if you are working on a paper. Make sure you are working somewhere that is conducive to studying. The lighting should be at least 60 watts and focused directly on the text. Studying in a dim room will probably put you to sleep.

Take plenty of notes. We learn a lot from copying things down. If you’re unsure whether something is worth jotting down, do it. You really can’t take too many notes. You can always take things out later. Mark anything that seems important. And be sure and note any questions you have that you want to bring up in class.

Good study habits will come in handy all through life. You may end up in a job that requires you to do a lot of reading. Or you may find yourself writing for a living. Being able to hunker down and focus on a given task will be a skill you’ll be grateful you mastered.

Hilary Sloin writes articles on diverse subjects, including online colleges,financial aid, online degree programs, and career education.

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