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BEIJING http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Jahri-Evans/ , Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) said Saturday that it may issue its first U.S. dollar-denominated bond as soon as the end of June this year.

Soren Elbech, treasurer of the Beijing-based multilateral development bank, said in a statement that the earliest issuance window will be "toward the end of the first half of 2018," with time required for certain procedures, including the Board of Governors' approval of AIIB's 2017 financial statements as well as borrowing and swap documentation.

Elbech said the minimum size of the issuance will be 1 billion dollars http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Davon-House/ , but as demand for the first bond issue from a triple-A multilateral institution in 25 years may be large, "we anticipate having to issue a larger size."

In terms of maturity of the bond, Elbech said the choice will be between three and five years depending on investor demand at the time.

He said the bank plans to cap its total borrowing volume at 3 billion dollars in 2018.

The AIIB has received three top-notch ratings from the global credit rating agencies S&P Global Ratings, Moody's and Fitch in recognition of the bank's strong capital base and stable outlook.

With 84 members so far, the bank was officially established in December 2015 and opened for business in January 2016.

It prioritizes investment in energy http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Ty-Montgomery/ , power generation, transport, rural infrastructure, environmental protection and logistics in Asia.

BEIJING, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized "consistency" in upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in his speech for senior officials on Friday http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Quinten-Rollins/ , setting guidelines for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to make new progress.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, asked the officials to "consistently" promote the "great new project of Party building" and increase their sense of precaution and prevention of risks and challenges.

He made the remarks at the opening of a workshop attended by newly elected members and alternate members of the CPC Central Committee, as well as provincial and ministerial-level officials.

Xi's speech placed "socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era" into its historical lineage of social revolutions led by the CPC, illustrating the links of continuity.

The speech also put socialism with Chinese characteristics into the context of the evolution of socialism worldwide.

When socialism emerged http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Damarious-Randall/ , it was a brand new social form, and socialism with Chinese characteristics was an unprecedented pioneering cause that must continuously develop.

"Consistency" in Party building has been the key to the victory of the CPC, from the "great project" of Party building proposed in revolutionary times to the "great new project of Party building" during reform and opening up, and the strict self-governance of the Party since its 18th national congress in 2012.

In his speech, Xi said the Party should have the courage to carry out self-reform and become stronger in order to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Strict governance of the Party starts from the "key few http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Kenny-Clark/ ," referring to senior officials.

Xi asked the "key few" to be firm in their beliefs and political stances, enhance their sense of responsibility, strengthen their caliber and abilities, and improve their work styles.

Xi has also consistently stressed a sense of precaution and prevention of risks and challenges.

He stressed that the more China achieves, the more prudent and prepared officials should become to avoid making strategic mistakes.

Domestically http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Vince-Biegel/ , China still faces difficult tasks of reform, imbalanced development, and the trend of rising economic and social risks. Internationally, situations are constantly changing and the environment of neighboring countries is increasingly complex and sensitive.

While China's development model has drawn attention worldwide, incorrect judgements and unfavorable interference by some countries have tested our wisdom and ability to cope.

As Xi said http://www.cheapnfljerseyspackers.com/Jamaal-Williams/ , the CPC should provide its answers to the test of our times. The people will decide how well the Party has performed.

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