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UN General Assembly rejects Russian

UN General Assembly rejects Russian

The UN General Assembly passed a majority resolution. oppose Russia's proposal who want to have a poll "To condemn" Moscow's annexation of four Ukrainian regions "It's a secret pronunciation."

Foreign news agenciesslot xoreported from New York City. United States of America on Oct. 11 that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has a 107 majority vote not to endorse Russia's resolution. which proposed a resolution condemning the Moscow government In the case of the merger of four regions in Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporicchia. through a referendum at the end of last month “It was a secret ballot by UNGA members.”

However, 13 countries objected and 39 abstained. The rest did not participate in this resolution. This includes Russia and China. Vassili Nebensia, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, said the resolution was prepared later this week. It is the clear intent of Western countries to "condemn" rather than "inquire" and "the situation becomes more difficult if opinions are expressed openly."

It goes back to 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula through a local people's referendum. The UN Security Council (UNGA) also tried to pass a resolution condemning the Moscow government. But Russia, one of the permanent members, exercised veto rights. The Washington government presented the matter to the UN General Assembly, which voted 100 against the referendum on the annexation of Crimea, 11 objected, 58 abstained, and the rest did not participate.
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