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common   Japanese and Indian Leaders Agree on a Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region jira13578 2022-9-1 1/238 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:46
common   Shanghai to lift lockdown After closing the city for 2 months jira13578 2022-8-30 1/275 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:46
common   Russian diplomats resign in protest of war in Ukraine around the world jira13578 2022-8-29 1/277 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:46
common   Xinhua news agency reported from the city of Sisophon jira13578 2022-8-27 1/277 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:46
common   What is Quinoa? And 5 Awesome Benefits jira13578 2022-8-25 1/324 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:46
common   US Senate approves speeding passage of gun control bill jira13578 2022-8-24 1/307 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:45
common   TOMMY HILFIGER 品牌介紹 kldasj0823 2022-7-8 2/640 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:45
common   如何使性生活變長?學會這些技巧讓性愛更完美 mugiseki 2022-7-19 2/542 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:45
common   do I transfer money from my vanilla card to my bank account? garminnuvi 2022-7-23 2/444 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:45
common   Turkey agrees, opens Finland-Sweden route to NATO with important conditions jira13578 2022-8-23 1/322 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:45
common   Apple expands production base in Vietnam, jira13578 2022-8-22 1/327 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   晚上睡覺開加濕器對寶寶有影響嗎加濕器好還是放盆水好 fdgvfhghn 2022-8-17 2/351 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   寶寶睡覺打呼嚕怎麼回事真的是因為累了才會打呼嚕嗎 fdgvfhghn 2022-8-17 2/391 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   孕婦濕氣重吃什麼好孕婦濕氣重有什麼方法可以緩解 fdgvfhghn 2022-8-17 2/418 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   When the UK economy is so sick that it may jira13578 2022-8-20 1/344 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   台灣青年被騙去柬埔寨“賣身” 驚險救援過程曝光 mugiseki 2022-8-19 1/355 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:44
common   Hotline 911 was deceived by a monkey!!! jira13578 2022-8-19 1/356 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:43
common   嬰幼兒肥胖的原因有哪些寶寶的體重標準 fdgvfhghn 2022-8-17 2/333 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:43
common   小孩喝酒有什麼危害誰敢給孩子喝,當場翻臉! fdgvfhghn 2022-8-17 2/361 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:43
common   Japanese police 'drowsy' lost all documents of suspects!!! jira13578 2022-8-18 1/371 martina28043 2022-12-29 13:43
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